Saturday, September 1, 2018

Earning Through 3D Printing..?

Most of the first thought that comes to anybody's mind is Returns on a particular investments,the same is the case with 3D Printing.A lot of people are showing interest in 3D Printing and want to start their own business to make a decent earning and live independently 

Here are Some of the ways which can help you get some returns out of a 3D Printing Technology

    Prototype to Final Product (Image From Internet source)
  1. Design Prototypes
Many of us like to design , and always want the Hard model or the prototype for same , Sometimes we feel what if the particular product was customization because the existing design makes you a little uncomfortable and you want to modify it, With Freedom of Design In 3D Printing it is particularly possible to modify and make your own Prototypes to be used later ,You can charge a good amount depending on the time taken to print with material required e.t.c

     2. 3D Printed Gifts 

lithophane 3D Printed(Image From Internet source)
You will see a lot of people posting about 3D Printing gifts with particular names , but all that is LITHOPHANE printed using 3D Printers, most of them are printing lithophane and adding some Electric led to it to illuminate and showcase as a product which is a good way and different than traditional gifting
Human Figurines is also one of the way in which they print a small models of yours and can be gifted according , here they either scan using 3D scanners or Model yourself using some 3D sculpting softwares

    3.  Tutoring /STEM classes

(Image From Internet source)
You can particulary launch your own classes to train for 3D Printing and the associated softwares, since particularly there will be a lot of demand for man power in additive manufacturing industry , training institute set up on a particular format are to make a good source for income 

The rest is your Innovative way and how out of box you think is this technology helpful to  build you a good fortune 

Kindly do write to for any queries related to 3D Printing , we would love to assist you in the journey of 3D Printing

Kindly Follow our page on Facebook ideatodesign to learn about 3D Printing Facts 

You can also follow and subscribe us on YouTube at Desi3dprinting

You can also write us mentioning about your own ways how 3D Printer is useful to you ,so that we can educate ourselves about the methodology 

Thank-you and love 


Earning Through 3D Printing..?

Most of the first thought that comes to anybody's mind is Returns on a particular investments,the same is the case with 3D Printing.A l...