Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Hello 3D printing Lovers ,

Recently we started our search to find the cheapest 3D printer available in Indian Market , what could be better than online selling place like AMAZON to look for , hence our searches led us to Originator V1
Today we feel proud to announce , India unlike other countries is also in upfront to make their own 3D printers , we came across ORIGINATOR V1 , so out of curiosity we looked out for their makers.
Luckily we found the makers of originator , this guys are based in (location)

We were astonished to seethe specifications of this printer , so we contacted the makers of ORIGINATOR V1 , the guys responded and immediately agreed to let us use their printer for testing purpose

Here's how the printer look

Hence forth we started , we printed a few models out of it of which the video is uploaded check here 3D printer in INDIA.Here we made a quick check of specifications with the Famous Flashforge Finder,

what we considered for Comparison
  1. Build volume
  2. Material Compatibility
  3. Power Consumption
  4. Extruders
  5. Cost of the Printer
The Following Table shows the comparison for the above mentioned Points 

 As seen above Originator V1 won over Flash-Forge Finder in most of the cases
We hope You take a look at Originator V1 , You can also write us on ideatodesigning@gmail.com for more queries on the printer , we would love to assist you in any 3D printing query and solution 
Thanking you 

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Most of the first thought that comes to anybody's mind is Returns on a particular investments,the same is the case with 3D Printing.A l...